Prof. Univ. Dr. Lucian Negreanu - Medic Primar
Specialitatea - Medicina Interna si Gastroenterologie
Profesor Doctor Negreanu lucreaza si la Spitalul Universitar din Bucuresti, formandu-se ca gastroenterolog la Bucuresti, Tours si Nisa. Ariile de interes sunt bolile inflamatorii intestinale, noile tehnici de endoscopie, precum și tulburarile de motilitate. Este pasionat de arhitectura Bucurestiului interbelic, fotografia alb -negru si istoria Europei. Ii place expresso simplu, fara zahar.
Knowledge is power!
Experienta - Profesionala
- Profesor Universitar Doctor, Șef secție Medicina Interna 2 SUUB, Disciplina Medicina Interna;
- Gastroenterologie UMF Carol Davila;
- Coordonator Centru dedicat de Boli Inflamatorii Intestinale SUUB
Educatie si formare
- 30 cursuri de specializare organizate de AGA, AASLD,ECCO, UEGF, ESGE
- Specializare endoscopie intervențională sub egida OMED/WEO, Nisa, Franța cu dr. JF Rey 2011 președinte WEO (organizația mondiala de endoscopie)
- Curs european avansat de endoscopie intervențională sub egida ESGE, Nisa, Franța cu dr. JF Rey martie-iunie 2010
- Curs pentru gestiunea unui serviciu de endoscopie digestiva Tours Franța cu prof. EH Metman 2007
- Atestat de endoscopie digestiva diagnostica si terapeutica Inst Fundeni București 2007
- Specializare in Hepatogastroenterologie, Universitatea F Rabelais, Tours Franța cu prof. EH Metman 2005-2006
- Bursier al societății naționale franceze de Gastroenterologie, 2005
- Curs de endoscopie digestiva diagnostica si terapeutica spitalul Colentina București cu prof. R Voiosu, 2002 si 2007
- Doctor in științe medicale universitățile Carol Davila București si Francois Rabelais Tours, 2004
Evoluție academica universitara
- 2002 preparator
- 2004 asistent universitar
- 2013 șef lucrări
- 2015 conferențiar
Calificari / diplome obtinute
- Medic Primar Gastroenterologie 2015
- Medic Primar Medicina interna 2011
- Medic Specialist Gastroenterologie 2010
- Medic Specialist Medicina Interna 2005
- AFS Gastroenterologie 2006
- GCP din 2005
Disciplinele principale studiate / Competente profesionale dobandite
- Abilitare in Gastroenterologie, UMF Carol Davila, 2015
- Studii doctorale 2001-2005 Universitățile Carol Davila București si Francois Rabelais Tours
- Facultatea de Medicina generala, Universitatea de medicina si farmacie Carol Davila, București 1994-2000
Aptitudini si competente personale
- Gastroenterologie cu specializare in endoscopia digestiva diagnostica si terapeutica
- Experienta in tehnici avansate de diagnostic endoscopic
- Câștigător Grant European sub egida societății europene de endoscopie digestiva: „Role of Pillcam2 colon capsule in coloretal canecr screening in patients unable or unwilling to perform colonoscopy”
- Expert European Video capsulă endoscopica, Membru grupuri de lucru VCE colon si VCE Crohn
- Limbi cunoscte: Romana(materna), Engleza, Franceza-avansat
Competente si aptitudini organizatorice
- Sef secție Medina Interna 2 SUUB 2011-prezent
- Vicepreședinte Jurisdicție Colegiul Medicilor din București 2015-prezent
- Director medical ASSMB oct-dec 2015
- Președinte al comisiei de experți hepatite si boli inflamatorii a Casei Naționale de Asigurări de sănătate 2010-2013
- Membru in comisia pentru avizarea OGM a ministerului mediului 2008-2010
Alte competente si aptitudini
- Membru al Societatii Franceze de Gastroenterologie SNFGE 2006
- Membru al Societatii Europene de Endoscopie Digestiva ESGE 2007
- Membru al Asociatiei Americane de Gastroenterologie AGA 2007
- Membru al Societatii Europene de Crohn si Colita ECCO 2010
- Membru in boardul Societatii Romane de Endoscopie Digestiva SRED 2010
- Membru in boardul Societatii Romane de Gastroenterologie 2010 SRGH
- Membru in boardul Clubului Roman de Crohn si Colita RCCC din 2013
- Membru fondator al Academiei Nationale de Nutritie Nestle 2012
- Membru fondator si membru in boardul Asociatiei Romane de studiu al pancreasului 2012
- Membru European Pancreatic association 2013
Teza de Doctorat
“Recurenta varicelor esofagiene post tratament endoscopic: comparație intre scleroterapie si ligatura elastica”, 2001-2004
Articole ISI autor principal
- Negreanu L, Voiosu T, State M, Voiosu A, Bengus A, Mateescu BR. Endoscopy in inflammatory bowel disease: from guidelines to real life. Therap Adv Gastroenterol. 2019 24;12:1756284819865153 IF 3,9
- Negreanu L, Goran L, Chirculescu F. Endoscopic Hemostasis of a Pleural Hemorrhage using a Hemostatic Gel. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis, June 2019 Vol. 28 No 2, IF 1,92
- Goran L, Negreanu L, Negreanu AM Role of new endoscopic techniques in inflammatory bowel disease management: Has the change come? World J Gastroenterol. 2017 Jun 28;23(24):4324-4329. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v23.i24.4324. IF 3,3
- Yung DE, Rondonotti E,Giannakou A, AvniT, Rosa B,Toth E, Lucendo AJ,Sidhu R, Beaumont H, Ellul P, Negreanu L, Jiménez-Garcia VA,McNamara D, Kopylov U, Elli L, Triantafyllou K, Shibli F, Riccioni ME, Bruno M, Dray X, Plevris JN, A Koulaouzidis, Capsule endoscopy in young patients with iron deficiency anaemia and negative bidirectional gastrointestinal endoscopy. UEG Journal DOI: 10.1177/2050640617692501 | First Published February 1, 2017 IF 3,477
- Nechita AM, Pituru S, Radulescu D, Peride I, Negreanu L, Niculae A Ferechide D, Checherita IA, Sinescu R. INFLUENCE OF RESIDUAL DIURESIS ON CARDIAC BIOMARKER NTproBNP IN CHRONIC HEMODIALYSIS PATIENTS. Farmacia 2016;3:348-357. IF 1,5
- Filimon AM, Negreanu L, Doca M, Ciobanu A, Preda CM, Vinereanu D. Cardiovascular involvement in inflammatory bowel disease: Dangerous liaisons World J Gastroenterol 2015 21(33): 9688-9692 ISI 3,3
- Negreanu L, Bataga S, Cijevschi Prelipcean C, Dobru D, Diculescu M, Dumitru E, Gheonea DI, Gheorghe L, Gheorghe C, Goldis A, Mateescu BR, Tantau M, Trifan A. Excellence centers in inflammatory bowel disease in Romania: a measure of the quality of care. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2014 Sep;23(3):333-7. doi: 10.15403/jgld.2014.1121.233.ln1. ISI IF 1,964
- Negreanu L, Smarandache G, Mateescu RB. Role of capsule endoscopy Pillcam COLON 2 in patients with known or suspected Crohn’s disease who refused colonoscopy or underwent incomplete colonoscopic exam: a case series. Tech Coloproctol. 2014 Mar;18(3):277-83. doi: 10.1007/s10151-013-1054-3. Epub 2013 Aug 21. ISI IF 2,378
- Negreanu L, Poepscu BO, Ene A, Bajenaru AO. Duodopa infusion in Parkinson’s disease.Experience of a single center. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2011 Sep;20(3):325-7. ISI IF 1,964
- Negreanu LM, Assor P, Mateescu B, Cirstoiu C. Interstitial cells of Cajal in the gut – A gastroenterologist’s point of view.World J Gastroenterol. 2008 Nov 7;14(41):6285-8. ISSN 1007-9327 CN 14-1219/R ISI, IF 3,3
- Negreanu L, Baty G, Dubois F, de Muret A, Bacq Y. Hepatitis B virus reactivation after a resolutive acute hepatitis leading to a diagnosis of T cell lymphoma. Dig Liver Dis. 2008 Sep 24. [Epub ahead of print], ISSN: 1590-8658, ISI IF 3,287 Elsevier-Saunders
- Negreanu L, Assor P, Bumsel F, Metman E-H. Infectious gastritis caused by a mixed fungal and bacterial infection, Endoscopy, 2006; 38: 91-92, Springer Verlag ISI impact factor 5,196, ISSN 0013-726X
Articole reviste ISI cu IF, autor
- Draghici T, Negreanu L, Bratu O, Stoian A, Socea B, Neagu TP, Stanescu A M A, Manuc D, Diaconu C. Paraneoplastic syndromes in digestive tumors: a review Romanian Biotechnological Letters,2019,10(3) IF 0,45
- Preda CM, Popescu CP, Baicus C, Constantinescu I, Oproiu A, Voiosu T, Diculescu M, Negreanu L, Gheorghe L, Sporea I, Trifan A, Ceausu E, Proca D, Manuc M. Risk of hepatitis B virus reactivation in hepatitis B virus + hepatitis C virus-co-infected patients with compensated liver cirrhosis treated with ombitasvir, paritaprevir/r + dasabuvir + ribavirin. J Viral Hepat. 2018 Jul;25(7):834-84
- Preda CM, Fulger LE, Negreanu L, Manuc M, Sandra I, Diculescu MM.Adalimumab versus infliximab in treating post-operative recurrence of Crohn’s disease: a national cohort study. Rev Esp Enferm Dig. 2016 Oct;108(10):64
- Preda CM, Fulger LE, Gheorghe C, Gheorghe L, Manuc M, Negreanu L, Meianu C, Slavulete BI, Diculescu MM. Tuberculin skin test and Quantiferon TB Gold in Romanian BCG vaccinated, immunosuppressed patients with moderate-to-severe Crohn’s disease: a comparison with a Hungarian cohort. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2016 Jun;25(2):260-1
- Gheorghe C, Seicean A, Saftoiu A, Tantau M, Dumitru E, Jinga M, Negreanu L, Mateescu B, Gheorghe L, Ciocirlan M, Cijevschi C, Constantinescu G, Dima S, Diculescu M. Romanian guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2015 Mar;24(1):117-23. doi: 10.15403/ ISI IF 2,202 Influence score: 0.57
- Nica S, Grecescu L, Negreanu L. Non Adherence to the current guidelines in acute pancreatitis: a single center experience on early computed tomography (CT) use. Bothalia Journal 2014; Nov-Dec 44(12) ISSN 0006-8241 ISI IF 1,267,
- Preda CM, Baicus C, Negreanu L, Tugui L, Olariu SV, Andrei A, Zambatu I, Diculescu MM. Effectiveness of entecavir treatment and predictive factors for virologic response. Rev Esp Enferm Dig 2014;106:305-311. . ISI IF 1,371
- Hulpuş R, Constantinoiu S, Bratu D, Dumitra A, Sabău A, Sabău D, Ursache E, Negreanu L, Smarandache C. Superior socio-medical alternative to feeding gastrostomy and jejunostomy in advanced esophago-gastric junction adenocarcinoma. Chirurgia (Bucur). 2013;108(4):451-5 ISI IF 0,77
- Fierbinteanu-Braticevici C, Negreanu L, Tarantino G. Is fatty liver always benign and should not consequently be treated? J Physiol Pharmacol. 2013;64(1):3-9. ISI IF 2,267
- Dumitra A, Sabău A, Maniu D, Grosu F, Smarandache G, Ursache E, Negreanu L, Sava M, Sabău D. Particular aspects of endoprosthesis in malignant advanced pharingeal-esophageal stenosis Chirurgia (Bucur). 2011;106(3):327-32., ISI IF 0,7
- Fierbinteanu-Braticevici C, Dina I, Petrisor A, Tribus L, Negreanu L, Carstoiu C Noninvasive investigations for non alcoholic fatty liver disease and liver fibrosis.World J Gastroenterol. 2010 Oct 14;16(38):4784-91.ISI 2,081
- Assor P, Negreanu L, Picon L, de Muret A, Gilbert B, Metman E-H. Pandysautonomie aiguë lentement régressive associée à une achalasie du sphincter inférieur de l’oesophage: à propos d’un cas, Gastrœntérologie clinique et biologique 2008;32:46-50, Elsevier Masson, ISSN 0399-8320, ISI quoted, IF 1,033 influence factor 0.23401
- Metman E-H, Negreanu L, Godart B. Troubles moteurs primitifs de l’œsophage (en dehors de l’achalasie), Acta Endoscopica,2006;36:571-587 Springer Verlag ,ISI IF0.0741, ISSN 0240-642 X
- 14. Metman E-H, Negreanu L, Debbabi S. Traitement de l’achalasie de l’oesophage, Acta Endoscopica 2006; 36: 561-570, Springer Verlag, ISI IF 0.0741, ISSN 0240-642 X
Articole pubmed / alte baze de date
- Goran L, Negreanu AM, Stemate A, Negreanu L .Capsule endoscopy: Current status and role in Crohn’s disease. World J Gastrointest Endosc. 2018 Sep 16;10(9):184-192
- Drǎghici, T., Negreanu, L., Bratu, O.G., (…), Stǎnescu, A.M.A., Diaconu, C. Liver abnormalities in patients with heart failure. Archives of the Balkan Medical Union 2018; 53: 76-81
- Negreanu L, Filimon A, .Stemate A, Voiosu T, Mateescu B. The Role of Capsule Endoscopy in Obscure GI Bleeding: Experience of a Tertiary Center in Romania. Modern Medicine 2016; 23(2):103-10
- Rimbaş M, Negreanu L, Ciobanu L, Benguş A, Spada C, Băicuş CR, Costamagna G.Is virtual chromoendoscopy useful in the evaluation of subtle ulcerative small-bowel lesions detected by video capsule endoscopy? Endosc Int Open. 2015 Dec;3(6):E615-20.
- Negreanu L Preda C, Ionescu D, Ferechide D. Progress in digestive endoscopy: Flexible Spectral Imaging Colour Enhancement (FICE)-technical review accepted in J Med Life. 2015 Oct-Dec
- Stemate A, Filimon AM, Tomescu M, Negreanu L.Colon capsule endoscopy leading to gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) diagnosis after colonoscopy failure. BMC Res Notes. 2015;12;8:558
- Voiosu T, Busuioc B, Voiosu A, Benguş A, Rimbaş M, Dinu R, Mateescu B, Negreanu L.Factors Influencing Complication Rates at Colonic Polypectomy: A Prospective Study from a Tertiary-Referral Center. Rom J Intern Med. 2015 Jan-Mar;53(1):50-3. CNCSIS B+, Pubmed listed
- Lupușoru MO, Burcea CC, Văcăroiu IA, Pițuru S, Peride I, Brezean I, Negreanu L,Niculae A,Georgescu L, Lupusoru GE, Ionescu T,Ferechide D. The Rehabilitation of Elderly Institutionalized Patients with Osteoarthritis (Multiple Joint Involvement) Using Alternative Methods Associated to Drug Therapy. Modern Medicine. 2015;22(4) : 355-358
- Burcea C C, Lupușoru MO, Negreanu L, Văcăroiu IA, Pițuru S, Niculae A, Brezean I, Ileana Peride I,Georgescu L,Lupușoru GE,Ferechide D. Identification of Osteoarthritis with Multiple Joint Involvement in Elderly Institutionalized Patients Concomitant with Psycho-Kinesiotherapeutic Intervention Strategies – A Preliminary Study. Modern Medicine. 2015;22 (4 ): 351-354
- Buşegeanu C, Negreanu L, Fierbinţeanu Braticevici C. Modificări Hepatice În Sarcina Normală. Medicina Interna 2014 ;IX(5):51-57 CNCSIS B+
- Busegeanu C, Filimon A, Stemate A, Negreanu L. A series of images of digestive cancers using Pill Cam COLON2 video capsule endoscopy. J Med Life. 2014 Oct-Dec;7(4):529-32.
- Negreanu L, Babiuc R, Bengus A, Sadagurschi R. PillCam Colon 2 capsule in patients unable or unwilling to undergo colonoscopy. World J Gastrointest Endosc. 2013 Nov 16;5(11):559-567 Pubmed listed
- Babiuc R, Purcarea M, Sadagurschi R, Negreanu L, Nastasescu T. Role of colon capsule Pillcam 2 in obscure gastrointestinal bleeding – case report. J Med Life. 2013 Sep 15;6(3):287-9. Epub 2013 Sep 25. CNCSIS B+ Pubmed listed
- Babiuc R, Purcarea M, Sadagurschi R, Negreanu L. Use of Hemospray in the treatment of patients with acute UGIB – short review. J Med Life. 2013; 15;6(2):117-9. Epub 2013 Jun 25. CNCSIS B+
- Mateescu BR, Bengus A, Marinescu M, Staniceanu F, Micu G, Negreanu L. First Pillcam Colon 2 capsule images of Whipple’s disease: Case report and review of the literature. World J Gastrointest Endosc. 2012 :16;4(12):575-8. ISI pubmed listed
- Negreanu LM, Popescu BO, Babiuc RD, Ene A, Andronescu D, Băjenaru OA Cutting the Gordian knot: the blockage of the jejunal tube, a rare complication of Duodopa infusion treatment.J Med Life. 2010 Apr-Jun;3(2):191-2 CNCSIS B+
- Negreanu L, Tribus L, Purcarea M, Fierbinteanu Braticevici C.Spontaneous esophageal mucosal dissection in a patient with upper digestive bleeding and esophageal varices. J Med Life. 2011 May 15;4(2):182-3. Epub 2011 May 25.. CNCSIS B+
- Negreanu L, Popescu BO.Evaluation of successful treatment in achalasia with timed barium esophagogram: revisiting an old friend.J Med Life. 2010 Jan-Mar;3(1):64-6. CNCSIS B+
- Negreanu L, Assor P, Bumsel F, Metman E-H. An endoscopic view in gastric linitis-a case report. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis.2007;16(2):321-323 ISI IF 1,81 pubmed listed
- Fierbinteanu-Braticevici C, Dragomir P, Tribus L, Negreanu L, Bengus A, Usvat R, Andronescu D. The role of Valsartan, an Angiotensin II receptor antagonist, on portal and systemic hemodynamics and on renal function in liver cirrhosis. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2006 Dec;15: 337-42. ISI quoted, pubmed listed
- Negreanu L, Busegeanu C et al. Portal hypertensive gastropathy. Romanian Journal of Internal Medicine 2005; 43 :3-8. CNCSIS B, Pubmed listed
- Negreanu L, Ionescu D Impact of flexible spectral imaging color enhancement in minimal esophagitis J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2015;24(1):21
- Nica S, Grecescu L, Negreanu L. Non adherence to the current guidlines in acute pancreatitis : a single center experience on early CT use J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2015;24(1):34
- Filimon AM, Stemate A, Doca M, Negreanu L Dangerous liaisons: the cardiovascular involvement in IBD. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2015;24(1):50
- M Rimbas, L Negreanu, L Ciobanu, A Bengus, C Spada, CR Băicus,Mo1591 Usefulness of Flexible Spectral Imaging Color Enhancement (FICE) in the Evaluation of Subtle Small Bowel Ulcerative Mucosal Lesions Detected by Videocapsule Endoscopy. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 2015;81 (5), AB477
- C Preda, L Fulger, C Tieranu, M Ionescu, L Gheorghe, C Gheorghe, M Manuc, A Goldis, G Constantinescu, M Tantau, L Negreanu, B Mateescu, A Trifan, S Bataga, R Iacob, M DiculescuEfficacy, safety and predictors of response to Adalimumab in Crohn’s disease (CD)-a nation-wide cohort study.Journal Of Crohns & Colitis 2015 9, S126-S127
- M. Rimbas, L. Negreanu , L. Ciobanu, C. Spada, A. Bengus, C.R. Baicus, G. Costamagna P0793 Usefulness Of Flexible Spectral Imaging Color Enhancement (Fice) In Difficult To Interpret Mucosal Ulcerative Lesions Of The Small Bowel,UEGW2014 UEG journal;2014:2S1 A349 ISSN 2050-6406
- Negreanu L; Filimon A; MateescuB Capsule Endoscopy For Obscure Gastrointestinal Bleeding-Experience Of A Tertiary Centre. Semana Panamericana de las Enfermedades Digestivas 2014
- Iacob R, Guinea L, Vadan R, Greere M, Preda C, Dobru D, Cijevschi Prelipcean C, Tantau A, Goldis A, Ilie M, Andrei M, Negreanu L, Gheorghe C, Diculescu M, Gheorghe Extraintestinal manifestations in Romanian IBD patients–evaluation of a cohort of over 1000 patients Journal of Crohn’s and Colitis 8, S331,2014
- RB Mateescu, R Vadan, L Negreanu, A Bengus Opportunistic infections in anti-TNF treated IBD patients: analysis from three tertiary centers in Romania Journal of Crohn’s and Colitis, 8, S331, 2014
- Negreanu L, Filimon A, Ionescu D Low volume same day preparation for same day colonoscopy J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2014;23(1):210
- Iacob R, Guinea L, Vadan R, Greere M, Preda C, Dobru D, Cijevschi Prelipcean C, Tantau A, Goldis A, Ilie M, Andrei M, Negreanu L, Gheorghe C, Diculescu M, Gheorghe L Extraintestinal manifestations in Romanian IBD patients-evaluation of a cohort of over 1000 patients.. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2014;23(1):104
- Negreanu L, Stemate A, Filimon A, Dragomir C, Fierbinteanu C, Utility of Bifidoplus in constipation subtype IBS patients. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2014;23(1):87
- Negreanu L, Stemate A, Postelnicu I, Filimon A, Fierbinteanu C,The role of FICE in characterisation of small bowel lesions by capsule endoscopy. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2014;23(1):26
- Fierbinteanu C, Petrisor A, Negreanu L, Tribus L, Moldoveanu A, Oprea G, Usvat R, Munteanu L,Scrieciu E, Sarbu E Non invasive methods to predict portal hypertension in cirrhotic patients. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2014;23(1):42
- Fierbinteanu C Hodina C, Petrisor A, Moldoveanu A, Purcareanu A, Negreanu L, Necula A. The role of non invasive methods for risk stratification of patients with NAFALD. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2014;23(1):4
- Rimbas M, NegreanuL, Ciobanu L, Baicus C. Performance of two different reviewers using virtual chromoendoscopy settings in difficult to interpret VCE mucosal ulcerative lesions of the small bowel.J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2014;23(1):8.
- Negreanu L Tulburarile de coagulare din ciroza. Medicina Interna, 2014, vol IX :14
- Negreanu L, Mateescu B Role of capsule endoscopy pillcam 2 in patiets with known or suspected Crohn’s disease:a case series J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2013;22(1):69.
- Negreanu L, Babiuc R, Bengus A, Sadagurschi R A new regimen of bowel preparation for pillcam colon 2 capsule endoscopy J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2013;22(1):70.
- Mateescu BR, Schipor A, Marinescu M, Bengus A, Negreanu L Immunosupresive drugs in IBD:experience of a tertiary center J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2013;22(1):83.
- Negreanu L, Sztogrin W, Babiuc R Short timed Remicade infusions. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2013;22(1):83.
- Negreanu L, Calinescu I, Bengus A, Use of pillcam colon 2 in patients unable, unwilling or with incomplete colonoscopy. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2012:Vol 27, S5: P05-81 121
- Negreanu L, Calinescu I, Bengus A, Sadagurschi R,. Babiuc R. Second-generation colon capsule endoscopy for colorectal cancer screening in patients unable or unwilling to perform colonoscopy Endoscopy 2012; 44 (S1) A125
- Negreanu L,Babiuc R, Tribus L, Pop C, Andronescu D Endoscopic band ligation-experience of a single center in 2011. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2012;21(2):142.
- Bucurica S, Negreanu L, Dragomir P, Mateescu B. Utility of laser confocal endomicroscopy in clinical practice. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2012;21(2):148
- Negreanu L, Stoica L,Sadagurschi R, Babiuc R. Study of minimal change esophagitis using FICE. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2012;21(2):200
- Negreanu L, Sadagurschi R, Babiuc R, Bengus A The role of capsule enscopy in CCR risk patients unable or unwilling to perform colonoscopy J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2012;21(2):202
- Negreanu L, Filimon A, Bengus A, Busegeanu C.Andronescu D. Tratamentul ectaziilor vasculare antrale(EVA) prin coagulare cu plasma de argon (CPA)-reevaluare dupa trei ani de terapie. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2008;17(1)
- Negreanu L, Filimon Ana, Smarandache CG, Bengus Andreea, Busegeanu C, Andronescu D Aplicabilitatea scorului Rockall la pacientii cu hemoragie digestiva superioara J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2008;17(1)
- D. Sabau, D. Bratu , M. Antonescu, A. Dumitra M. Sava , A. Sabau , C. Smarandache , L.Negreanu. Minimally invasive original technique of palliation in inoperable esophageal and esophagogastric neoplasms. OESO proceedings Monaco 2007
- Smarandache GC, Negreanu L, Ana Stemate, Pantu BS. Afectarea pancreatica in soc. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2007;16(1):107.
- Negreanu L, Busegeanu C, Cojocaru A, Andronescu D. Tratamentul ectaziilor vasculare antrale(EVA) prin coagulare cu plasma de argon (CPA) J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2007;16(1):28.
- Negreanu L, Busegeanu C, Cojocaru A, Andronescu D.Riscul degenerativ al polipilor colonici de mici dimensiuni. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2007;16(1):50.
- Negreanu L, Ana Stemate, Ana Filimon, Andreea Bengus, Andronescu D.Tratamentul peritonitei bacteriene spontane: comparatie intre ceftriaxona si amoxicilina-clavulanat. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2007;16(1):87.
- Fierbinteanu-Braticevici CG, Negreanu L, Bengus A, Usvat R, Andronescu D. Ultrasound evaluation in diagnosis and follow-up of acute colonic diverticulitis. Neurogastroenterologia; 2006: 12(1):p75.
- Fierbinteanu-Braticevici C.G., Tribus L, Negreanu L., Bengus A., Usvat R., Andronescu D. The hemodynamic role of albumin in type II hepatorenal syndrome. Gastroenterology 2006:130:4 supl 2 M1208
- Fierbinteanu-Braticevici C.G., Negreanu L., Bengus A., Usvat R., Andronescu D. The hemodynamic impairment in cirrhotic patients with spontaneous bacterial peritonitis Gut 2005; 54 (Suppl VII) A197 cotata ISI, ISSN 0017-5749
- Fierbinteanu C, Dragomir P,Negreanu L, Tribus L, Udeanu M, Usvat R, Cardiac abnormalities in patients with cirrhosis C. Rom J of Gastroenterology 2005:14(1):158
- Negreanu L, Dragomir P, Busegeanu C, Fierbinteanu C, Andronescu D Reccurence of esophageal varices following endoscopic treatment and its impact on rebleeding :comparison of sclerotherapy and ligation Rom J of Gastroenterology 2005:14(1):160
- Fierbinteanu C, Negreanu L, Bengus A, Andronescu D Predictive factors of steatosis in chronic hepatitis C. Rom J of gastroenterology 2005:14(1):158
- Andronescu D, Fierbinteanu C, Dragomir P Negreanu L Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis Rom J of Gastroenterology 2004:13(1):21
- Fierbinteanu C, Tribus L, Negreanu L, Dragomir P, Andronescu D The effects of carvedilol a non selective beta blocker on portal hemoynamics. Rom J of Gastroenterology 2004:13(1):156
- Andreea Bengus, RB Mateescu, LNegreanu, Roxana Dinu, B Busuioc, Roxana Vadan, Liana Gheorghe Infections in anti–TNF treated IBD patients: analysis from three tertiary centers in Romania
- Dinu R, Voiosu T, Negreanu L., Bengus A, Mateescu B The short inflammatory bowel disease Questionnaire (SIBDQ) is a good predictor of mucosal healing in patients with ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s diseas
- Negreanu L Stemate A, Filimon A, Mateescu B Role Of Capsule endoscopy Pillcam COLON 2 in patients with known or suspected Crohn’s disease: a case serie
- Negreanu L, Filimon A, Stemate A, Calinescu I, Babiuc R,Sztogrin W Terapia biologica cu Remicade (Infliximab) in perfuzie rapida graba nu strica treaba
- Negreanu L, Filimon A, Postelnicu I, Stemate A, Calinescu I Diagnosis Of Crohn’s disease using capsule endoscopy for obscure gastrointestinal bleeding
Numărul de citari
- Web of Science 214 IH 10
- Scopus 234 IH 10
- Google Scholar 500 IH 13
- 2. FI cumulat ca prim autor > 35
Domeniul / domeniile sau directiile de cercetare stiintifica create / dezvoltate / inovatie
Imagistica endoscopica avansata, videocapsula endoscopica (in cancer colorectal si boala Crohn), motilitate esofagiana (scurtarea esofagiana in durerea toracica necardiaca), boli inflamatorii intestinale (centrele de expertiza, steroid assessment tool)
Comitete editoriale si referent
- Membru in comitet editorial la „World Journal Of Gastroenterology”
- Membru in comitet editorial la „World Journal Of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy”
- Modern Medicine (2015, section editor)
- Reviewer pentru World Journal Of Gastroenterology
- ReviewerWorld Journal Of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
- Reviewer pentru “Digestion”
- Reviewer pentru Endoscopy
- Reviewer pentru Endoscopy International Open
- Reviewer pentru „Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences”
- Reviewer pentru revista “Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine” ISI >,69
- Reviewer pentru revista “ Maedica”
- Referent CNCSIS
- 2019 VIST imaging in colonic polyp characterisation, Sonoscape Ltd., 60000 EUR
- 2013- Director de grant national al tinerilor cercetatori, obtinut prin competitie, proiect: Disfunctia endoteliala la pacientii cu IBD, oferit de UMF Carol Davila, valoare 5000 euro
- 2010-2013 castigator grant al European Society of Gastroenterological Endoscopy ESGE-Given European Research Grant, Screening of high risk colorectal cancer patients unable or unwilling to take a colonoscopy using Pillcam2 videocapsule,valoare 150.000 euro
Membru in colectiv de cercetare
- 2014- Implementarea unei solutii pilot de teledermatologie ca instrument suport pentru activitatea medicala si de cercetare, granta national oferit de SRD, valoare 4000 euro, membru in echipa de cercetare
- 2011-2014 Program structural european POSDRU: “Tehnici de histologie in vivo”‘, expert
- 2008-2012 „Corelarea manifestarilor clinice, paraclinice si morfologice cu manifestarile genomice in cancerul epitelial scuamos de esofag”, PNCDI, Program 4, parteneriate in domeniile prioritare, member
- 2007 – 2010: „Expresia si functia proteinelor jonctiunilor strânse –studiu în modele experimentale si la pacientii cu dementa”. Grant PNCD II, member
Studii clinice Investigator principal:>30; endoscopie: validare SB3, Pillcam colon in screening CCR, VCE gastrica sub ghidaj IRM, participant la grup de lucru European pentru consens VCE in boala Crohn, clasificare polipi colonici, rolul AI in diagnosticul polipilor colonici, pregatirea in colonoscopie, sedare in endoscopie