Diabetes and nutritional diseases
Diabetes and nutritional diseases specialty deals with the diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of metabolic disorders, the most common and well-known being Diabetes mellitus. Furthermore, this specialty holds competencies in all nutrition disorders (obesity, underweight, specific nutritional needs, nutritional needs in various medical conditions) as well as in healthy nutrition and weight loss diets.
Diabetes mellitus is caused either by insulin deficiency (hormone produced by the pancreas), or by insulin resistance, the first alteration being impaired glucose disposal. However, Diabetes mellitus is a complex and debilitating condition which in time damages all metabolism and causes complications in most organs and systems.
Early diagnosis is essential, when only the Glycaemia (blood sugar) level is higher with no other signs, symptoms or complications, because at this stage therapeutic interventions are most efficient and sometimes the mere lifestyle change and an adequate personalized diet can stop the disease or keep it under control. Where necessary, antidiabetic medication and/or insulin therapy can be prescribed.
Assessments during the consultations with the diabetes, nutrition and metabolic diseases specialist:
– Diabetes mellitus – diagnosis, treatment, monitoring chronic patients
– detection and treatment of diabetes complications
– prediabetes
– gestational diabetes
– nutritional therapy in diabetes
– obesity and overweight
– underweight
– hyperuricemia
– dyslipidemia
– inherited metabolic disorders
– nutritional therapy in various medical conditions
– nutritional therapy for specific needs
– healthy nutrition counselling
– nutritional therapy for weight loss/weight gain – assessment, personalized diet according to the body’s particularities and needs, food journal counselling
Metabolic disorders
Food is processed by the body through multiple complex chemical reactions into the simple molecules they are made of, that is proteins, fats and carbohydrates. This food breakdown into simple compounds is generically called metabolism. The purpose of the metabolism is to ensure the necessary nutrients for the body and to eliminate toxins. Metabolic disorders develop when the inner balance is perturbated.
These disorders can be either genetical, inherited at birth or acquired in time, usually as a consequence of an unhealthy diet and lifestyle that overstress the body. The most well-known metabolic disorder is diabetes mellitus, however there are hundreds different conditions, many of which inherited and rare, and many others acquired which are frequent, such as obesity, dyslipidemia or gout. Inherited metabolic disorders, whether they manifest from the moment of birth or not, cannot be cured, but many of them can be efficiently controlled through treatment and appropriate diet adapted to each disorder.
Diet plays a crucial role in acquired metabolic disorders, including diabetes, and when correctly recommended and rigorously followed it can be the only necessary treatment.

Specialty - Diabetes and nutritional diseases

PhD Associate Professor Maria Nitescu

Răzvan Vasilescu MD, PhD